Start Your Deluxe Stay At Tarangire Safari Lodge To Find The Safari Activity?

tarangire-safari-lodgeWhether the purpose of travel is for business or pleasure, there is always one thing common in traveler’s mind how to return safely back home at the end of the journey. To awaken quite alone in a strange town is one of the pleasantest sensations in the world. And if it is an African country and you are in a most sophisticated lodge in Tanzania like Tarangire Safari Lodge, then it is awfully exciting. A very luxurious lodge, with a breath taking view of one of the most stunning views in the world.

Tarangire have the safari lodge on the Northern circuit of Tanzania. Often overshadowed by the Serengeti and the Ngorongoro Crater, Tarangire has huge concentrations of animals in the peak months. The Tarangire National Park is well known for its varied habitats and constant supply of water – making it the perfect place to host a diversity of wildlife. The area is famous for its large population of elephants where herds of up to 600 can be seen at a time. The park is also home to lion, leopard, wildebeest, zebra, waterbuck, hartebeest, and giraffe with their fantastic lengthy horns. The Tarangire is a haven for bird enthusiasts with more than 550 species of birds. With the luxurious staying in Tarangire Safari Lodge, the viewers leave this place with the fantastic memories of exciting gem viewing in the park.

Tarangire Safari Lodge is situated in an impressive hilltop position deep inside the reserve, with extensive views from camp of wildlife along the river. After a long day of wildlife viewing in Tarangire National Park, the Tarangire Safari Lodge seems like a mirage. The location, high above the Tarangire River, provides an endless view that often includes many animals’ elephants, lions, Cape buffalo, wildebeest, zebras and many more. However, the star attraction of this lodge is the amazing views from the communal lounge/ sitting area overlooking from above the landscape and river below, oftentimes with elephants, zebras, and other animals visible. You may find waterbuck, zebra, wildebeest and even a giraffe outside your cottage.

lemala-kuria-hills059Experience the unmatched view of the Tarangire National Park from Tarangire Safari Lodge with PEACEMAKERS EXPEDITION a local travel agency which has great knowledge and expertise on travelling business. Take a unique experience of staying in Tarangire Safari Lodge in the midlist of the nature with all comfort of a luxury lodge in a metropolitan city and additionally getting to see the wilds in their habitat from the windows of your room. Besides pre-designing your tour plan within your budget we would stay with you from your arrival to departure. You will have a native feeling with us and you must be swept away with our world class services.

If you would like to know more about the types of accommodation available in Tanzania, or would like to book a Tanzania safari, then stay at Tarangire Safari Lodge for unique and exciting safari holidays.

Are You Geared Up For Travel To East Africa For A Closer Look Of Wildlife?

East Africa is one of the leading tourist destinations in Africa. A tour to these places means travelling to all the top destinations in the three East Africa countries. East Africa is a tour destination with various attraction sites such as mountains, lakes, rivers, vegetation, cultural activities, geographical features, wildlife, birds, fish and insects. East Africa is also the home habitat of various wildlife species including the big five. Travel To East Africa for the annual wildebeest migration involving different wildlife species. These wild animals migrate in search of food and water. The white sand beaches along the coast and Zanzibar are enjoyable. Swimming in the warm waters of the Indian Ocean is quite interesting.

Ever dreaming to see an elephant trumpeting its trunk, a lion licking its lips, or a cheetah sprinting through the grasslands? East Africa Safari offers a thrilling chance to see wild animals going about their daily lives within their natural habitat. Travel To East Africa especially to Kenya and Tanzania that have a huge variety of national parks that offer adventurous opportunities to see wildlife up close. Kenya – If you’re an adventurous traveler who loves to be close to nature and can handle the howls of animals at night, personal camping is a great option. In Kenya, the main national parks that offer camping options are Hell’s Gate National Park, Tsavo East, Mt. Kenya National Park, Lake Nakuru, Amboseli, and Aberdare National Park. Tanzania is a land of extremes. This country has the world’s largest game reserve and one of the most spectacular natural sights in the world – the annual Great Migration.

Everyone loves to Travel To East Africa but to avoid rain-swept beaches and where’d-everything-go savannahs, you’ll need to be in the right place at the right time. There is no single best time to visit East Africa but there are rainy and dry seasons. Each has its advantages and each destination has its best moments. The wildebeest herds move onto the southern and eastern plains of the Serengeti and the northern Ngorongoro Crater Conservation Area. In terms of birdlife, Kenya’s Rift Valley lakes are at their peak in January and February. Flamingos gather at Lake Nakuru in their hundreds of thousands. If you want the best conditions to climb Africa’s highest peak, go during warm and dry January and February. The driest weather in Uganda and Rwanda from late December to early March gorilla treks are easier and the views are better.

gggPEACEMAKERS EXPEDITION is one of the best travel experts to provide East Africa Wildlife Safaris with real ease. We bring you some of the best safaris in East Africa combining Uganda and Rwanda, Kenya and Tanzania or all the East African countries in a single package enabling you discover the best of each destination! Our tours offer life-changing experiences with these amazing animals. You can contact us with your interests and we offer you a fully customized experience!

East Africa is a gorgeous place for wildlife. With Travel To East Africa, get the hearts stopping scenery along with the wildlife which will be locked in your memory forever.

Mount Kilimanjaro Travel Guide – A Thriving Adventure To Experience The Highest Peak

As wide as all the world, great, high, and unbelievably white in the sun, was the square top of Mount Kilimanjaro. This is the quoting of a trekker who had just returned from the peak with Mount Kilimanjaro Travel Guide. Kilimanjaro, a dormant volcano on the roof of Africa, is one of the closest points in the world to the sun. Although positioned close to the Equator Mount Kilimanjaro is famous as Africa’s snow-capped mountain looming over the plains of the savannah. It’s also the highest peak on the continent and the tallest free-standing mountain in the world.mount-kilimanjaro-travel-guide

Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro with the Mount Kilimanjaro Travel Guide, through one of the great trekking routes is one of the most rewarding experiences that any person can enjoy. Climbing the highest, free-standing mountain in the world is an extraordinary achievement – but as this climbing Kilimanjaro travel guide reveals – it’s one that is not out of reach. Reaching at Uhuru Peak is done by trekking, not climbing – so you need good fitness, rather than technical ability, to make it up there. You also need a good mountain guide. Regardless of the route, no special equipment or previous experience is required to climb the Kilimanjaro. A good level of fitness, specially an exceptional level of determination is a must. Yet Kilimanjaro should not be underestimated.

Your trekking on Mount Kilimanjaro will experience you that, the landscape on Kilimanjaro is very beautiful. With Mount Kilimanjaro Travel Guide, find the mountain which can be divided into 5 climatic zones, each with its own fauna and flora. The lower reaches of the mountain are dominated by evergreen forests. Then the landscape starts to change into a shrub and then it is very arid and rocky, similar to a lunar landscape. The fourth zone consists of a very fine glacial setting. The top of Kilimanjaro is partially snow-capped with large glaciers. The mountain is rich in flora and fauna. You get to see the various climatic conditions starting from bottom to top. You have the tropical rain forests, the evergreen forests, the moorlands and the alpine desert regions in between. You get to see some unique plants and flowers on the mountain which is specific to Mt Kilimanjaro.


Mountain climbing is an arduous sport. Don’t try it alone. Get connected with a travelling agency that has long years of experience in mountain trekking. Always remember, the language, custom, tradition, route, trekking equipment, weather are the key factors that demands extensive knowledge for a smooth mountain trekking. PEACE MAKERS EXPEDITION is the right key to provide the Mount Kilimanjaro Travel Guide. Being a local agency in Tanzania we have earned worldwide reputation for our long years experience and outstanding performance in mountain trekking. We promise our customers to leave them with everlasting memories that would worth the money they spend.

There are many famous and awe-inspiring mountains in Africa, but none more so than the iconic Mount Kilimanjaro. Consider Mount Kilimanjaro Travel Guide to find the real adventure for lifetime!

Are You Wondering About Tanzania Adventure Tours For Exciting Surprises?


One of the most popular tourist destinations in Africa, Tanzania is well-established as one of the best wildlife-viewing destinations in the world. If your dream is to experience an unforgettable Tanzania Adventure Tours through the most diverse and delicate ecosystems on the planet, then this is the right safari tour in Tanzania for you. Embark on an unforgettable adventure when you join the Safari trip to Tanzania’s renowned game reserves and national parks.

Tanzania adventure boasts so many accolades – from Africa’s highest peak, Mount Kilimanjaro, to the vast array of big game wildlife migrating along the Serengeti plains. Although it is only half the size of Alaska, it boasts a fantastically rich tapestry of unique places, people and experiences. Tanzania Adventure Tours will amaze your senses and challenge your spirit of adventure. With so much to offer, Tanzania is a country that will leave you wanting more. To adventure to northern Tanzania is to belong to an experience rooted in discovering the range of African beauty. Located on the eastern coast of Africa, right below the Equator, Tanzania is home to the towering Mt. Kilimanjaro, the sprawling plains of the Serengeti, and the wondrous mystique of Lake Eyasi.

Tanzania is one of the leading wildlife safari destinations in Africa and offers unparalleled attractions including the world famous Ngorongoro Crater, Serengeti and the highest mountain in Africa – Mount Kilimanjaro. Tanzania Adventure Tours takes you to one of Africa’s most diverse countries – see the ice-capped Mount Kilimanjaro with its lower lying rainforests, Zanzibar’s sandy beaches, the Serengeti’s savannah plains and the Ngorongoro’s mopane woodlands and salt pans. It is not just the environment, but the cultural diversity, which is one of Tanzania’s most pleasant and refreshing surprises like Arabic and Indian influences in Zanzibar.

tanzania-adventure-toursThinking of an Adventure vacation? Let PEACE MAKERS EXPEDITION help you plan your dream vacation to Tanzania – The land of Kilimanjaro and Zanzibar. We at Adventure strive to share the stunning natural beauty and wildlife splendor that Tanzania has by offering wildlife safaris that are full of adventure and allows you to enjoy an unforgettable African safari experience. So travel around Tanzania to experience the culture and learn more about this adventurous place.

Embark Tanzania Adventure Tours to experience a diverse, daily itinerary coupled with magnificent accommodations that are specifically Tanzanian in style. Your memories and experiences from this African journey will last a lifetime!

Tanzania Adventure Tours – The Trip To Experience The Sheer Adventure

Tanzania Adventure Tours

With so much to offer, Tanzania is a country that will leave you wanting more. Make an experiential journey of Tanzania Adventure Tours to discover the nature and life of the amazing African continent. Explore the stunning wilderness of the vast savannas to feel the freedom of animals living in their natural environment, climb up to the roof of Africa to enjoy the sunrise, trek green lush forests searching for the gorilla families, hideaway on the paradise islands of the Indian Ocean, feel the rhythm of the spectacular African waterfalls. A trip to Tanzania will dazzle your senses and challenge your spirit of adventure.

Tanzania lies just south of the equator and is thus almost always sunny. Its terrain is incredibly beautiful, lush from the sun and scattered winter showers, and alive with an abundance of wildlife which is one of its strongest attractions for wild life lovers making Tanzania Adventure Tours. The tourists can embark on idyllic game drives seeing a variety of different wildlife. Tanzania is home to the beautiful, formidable and majestic Mount Kilimanjaro. Watching the sunrise on top of Mount Kilimanjaro is a highlight – literally. The adventure of climbing Kilimanjaro, the Roof of Africa, is an experience you will carry for the rest of your life. Few places in the world offer what Tanzania does.

Tanzania Adventure ToursThe tour brings you many things from Africa’s highest peak Mount Kilimanjaro to the big game wildlife migrating along the Serengeti plains. Your Tanzania Adventure Tours   will connect you with the incredible experience in Bushmen, where people live in the forest in caves near Lake Eyasi like ancient men, without clothes and live on gathering fruits and hunting animals. Experience the fascinating omnipresent balance between the assorted wild life, stunning landscape, friendly people and rich culture. Being the home to 14 national Parks and several game reserves, Tanzania have always been the prime destination of the travellers world over.

Explore Tanzania, the most beautiful country in Africa that delivers some of the planet’s most impressive natural spectacles with PEACE MAKERS EXPEDITION. Join us and we would provide you the best of your adventure tour with our world class services by our expertise local agents. We promises to make your Tanzania Adventure Tours a classic experience fill with everlasting memories.

It’s time to grab wildlife beauty with exciting activities with Tanzania Adventure Tours. It’s too precious to utilize for numerous exciting things in life to get the best experience!